
Counting Data Items

We can use wc to count characters, words (anything surrounded by whitespace) and lines:

[user@host shell-training]$ cd docs
[user@host shell-training]$ ls
123.dat    abc.txt  cake.txt        def.txt   r2d2.bot        xyz.txt
abcde.txt  ab.txt   cheesecake.txt  food.txt  some-maths.txt
[user@host docs]$ wc abc.txt def.txt xyz.txt
  10   52  168 abc.txt
   7   61  394 def.txt
  11   99  589 xyz.txt
  28  212 1151 total

If you are dealing with record oriented data, wc -l will display the number of records.

We can give wc the names of the files we want to inspect as arguments.


[user@host docs]$ wc *.txt
  13  119  683 abcde.txt
  10   52  168 abc.txt
   8   83  454 ab.txt
  26  206 1332 cake.txt
  11  105  656 cheesecake.txt
   7   61  394 def.txt
  13   85  561 food.txt
   6   12   56 some-maths.txt
  11   99  589 xyz.txt
 105  822 4893 total

* is a wildcard that matches zero or more characters.

Bash automatically expands *.txt into a list of filenames matching that pattern, for example:

[user@host docs]$ ls a*.txt
abcde.txt  abc.txt  ab.txt

? is also a wildcard. It matches a single character.

[user@host docs]$ ls ???.txt
abc.txt	def.txt	xyz.txt

Square brackets will match any one of the characters listed inside them.

[user@host docs]$ ls [fx]*
food.txt  xyz.txt

In these examples we have used the file extension .txt, it is important to note that these extensions are a convention not a rule with bash.

Next activity: Reading - Using Nano.