
Introduction to the Unix shell


General tips

  • Uppercase and lowercase letters are different:
    • A file called thesis.txt is different from Thesis.txt and tHeSiS.tXt
  • Highlight text in the terminal and right click to paste text
    • Right clicking also works for pasting from the Windows clipboard
  • Press the up arrow on your keyboard to cycle through previous commands
  • Tab will autocomplete file/directory names when typing commands
  • Be careful with spaces when writing commands - spaces should separate each option or argument

Basic navigation

ls list contents of the current directory (except hidden files)
ls -a list all contents of the current directory
ls -l long-form list of contents, showing file properties
ls <path> list contents of specified directory
pwd print working directory (full path)
cd <path> go to specified directory
cd .. go up one level to parent directory
cd ~ go to current user's home directory

Files and directories

mkdir <new-directory> create a new directory
mkdir -p abc/123 create two directories: one called 123 inside another called abc
cp <file-name> <new-file-name> create a copy of a file with a new name
cp <file-name> <path> copy a file to another folder
cp <file-name> <path>/<new-file-name> create a copy with a new name in another folder
mv <file-name> <new-file-name> rename a file
mv <file-name> <path> move a file to another folder
rm <file-name> delete a file
rm -r <directory> delete a directory and all of its contents
nano <file-name> open a new or existing file in a simple text editor
chmod ug+x <file-name> give user and group execute permission for a file

Inspecting file contents

cat <file-name> print the contents of a file to the screen
less <file-name> opens file contents for inspection, allows scrolling, type q to quit
head -5 <file-name> prints first 5 lines of a file
tail -3 <file-name> prints last 3 lines of a file
sdiff <file-name> <file-name> visualise and compare two files side by side


ls *.txt list all files ending in .txt
ls ??? list all files with names exactly three characters long
ls [abc]* list all files beginning with a, b or c

Output redirection and pipiing

echo "Some text" > a-file send standard output of a command to a file (overwrites existing content)
echo "Some text" >> a-file append standard output of a command to the end of a file (no overwrite)
ls | sort pipe standard output of a command to another command

Variables, sequences and loops

VAR1=hello create a variable and set its value
echo \$VAR1 print the value of VAR1
FILENAMES=\$(ls) save the output of a command as a variable
SUM=\$((2 + \$TWO)) perform integer arithmetic with variables
seq 5 10 print a sequence from 5 to 10
seq 1 2 9 print a sequence from 1 to 9 with a stride of 2
seq -f %03g 1 2 9 print a sequence padded with zeroes to the left
for i in \$(seq 1 5); do echo iteration$i; done loop through a sequence and repeat the same instruction for each value
for ((i=1; i<=5; i++)); do echo iteration$i; done alternative method for looping through a sequence