
An introduction to research programming with Python


Solution: the biggest earthquake in the UK this century

Import modules

We first import the modules we will need to get and plot the data. We will use the requests module to query the USGS earthquake catalog, the math module to do some coordinate conversion and the IPython module to display a map image.

In [1]:
import requests
import math
import IPython

Download the data

We can reuse the code provided in the exercise notebook to query the USGS earthquake catalog API using the requests module.

In [2]:
earthquake_catalog_api_url = "http://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query"
query_parameters = {
    "format": "geojson",
    "starttime": "2000-01-01",
    "maxlatitude": "60.830",
    "minlatitude": "49.877",
    "maxlongitude": "1.767",
    "minlongitude": "-8.182",
    "minmagnitude": "1",
    "orderby": "time-asc"
quakes_response = requests.get(earthquake_catalog_api_url, params=query_parameters)

We can check that the returned object is a Response as expected

In [3]:

It is also useful to check whether the status of the returned response corresponds to there not being any client or server errors, with this being indicated by a status code of 200

In [4]:
assert quakes_response.status_code == 200

Parse the data as JSON

We saw in the exercise notebooks that the Reponse objects returned by requests.get have various attributes that allow accessing the response content in different formats including Response.content to get the raw bytes content and Response.text to get the response as a (Unicode) str object. We can print out all of the attributes of an object in Python using the inbuilt dir function; typically these will include attributes intended for internal use only which are conventionally indicated by prefixing with an underscore character _. We can display all the attributes without an initial underscore character as follows.

In [5]:
[attribute for attribute in dir(quakes_response) if attribute[0] != '_']

As well as the content, ok, status_code and text attributes we already encountered, we can see there is also a json attribute, which seems like it could be relevant to our task of decoding the response as JSON. We can find out more about this attribute by using a useful feature of Jupyter / IPython - by adding a question mark ? to the end of a Python object the documentation string (docstring) for that object will be displayed.

In [6]:

From this we can see that quakes.response is a method (function bound to an object) which returns a Python object corresponding to a JSON encoded response, which is exactly what we need. There are no required arguments so we can call the method by just adding a pair of empty parentheses.

In [7]:
quakes_json = quakes_response.json()

If we had not been aware of the json method an alternative would be to use the json module directly as we saw previously. For example the following would give an equivalent result to the above.

import json
quakes_json = json.loads(quakes_response.text)

Investigate the data to discover how it is structured.

Now that we have queried and decoded the data into a Python object, we need to do some exploration to find out how it is structure. In some cases there may be documentation we can use to help guide our exploration of data - for example this page on the USGS earthquake catalog website gives a summary of the GeoJSON format. However, in other cases we may not be so lucky and have to work with data with an undocumented format so it is also useful to consider how we might explore that data structure ourselves.

A potentially useful first step is to check what the type of the quakes_json object is.

In [8]:

We see that quakes_json is a Python dict (dictionary) object. We might want to find out what keys are defined in this dictionary - we can do this by calling the keys method.

In [9]:
dict_keys(['type', 'metadata', 'features', 'bbox'])

We see that the dictionary has three keys, all of which are strings. The features key in particular here looks potentially promising for our goal of finding the maximum magnitude event in the data (on the rationale that the magnitude is a feature of the event). We can check what type the value associated with the features key is.

In [10]:

We find out that the features key contains a list. We can check the length of this list.

In [11]:

We could also use a set (which we encountered previously in the lesson on dictionaries) to find out what the set of types of all of the elements in the quakes_json['features'] list is. Similarly to the list comprehensions we encountered in a previous lesson we can use a similar syntax here to succinctly construct the set we required.

In [12]:
{type(feature) for feature in quakes_json['features']}

From this we see that all of the elements in the quakes_json['features'] share the same Python dict type. We can use a similar approach to find out what keys all these dictionary objects have.

In [13]:
{tuple(feature.keys()) for feature in quakes_json['features']}
{('type', 'properties', 'geometry', 'id')}

This tells us that as well as all the elements being dictionaries, all of the dictionaries have the same keys. This suggests the list corresponds to a representation of a sequence of objects of the same type, with each dictionary containing the 'features' for a particular object, with in in this case the objects in questions being particular earthquake events.

To check this idea, we can look at the value of a particular element in the features list - as we know all elements are dictionaries with the same keys, its reasonable to assume the first element quakes_json['features'][0] will be representative of the all the other elements in the list. We can start by summarising the keys and types of the values in this dictionary.

In [14]:
for key, value in quakes_json['features'][0].items():
    print(key, type(value).__name__)       
type str
properties dict
geometry dict
id str

We can also view the dictionary directly

In [15]:
{'type': 'Feature',
 'properties': {'mag': 2.6,
  'place': '12 km NNW of Penrith, United Kingdom',
  'time': 956553055700,
  'updated': 1415322596133,
  'tz': None,
  'url': 'https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usp0009rst',
  'detail': 'https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?eventid=usp0009rst&format=geojson',
  'felt': None,
  'cdi': None,
  'mmi': None,
  'alert': None,
  'status': 'reviewed',
  'tsunami': 0,
  'sig': 104,
  'net': 'us',
  'code': 'p0009rst',
  'ids': ',usp0009rst,',
  'sources': ',us,',
  'types': ',impact-text,origin,phase-data,',
  'nst': None,
  'dmin': None,
  'rms': None,
  'gap': None,
  'magType': 'ml',
  'type': 'earthquake',
  'title': 'M 2.6 - 12 km NNW of Penrith, United Kingdom'},
 'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-2.81, 54.77, 14]},
 'id': 'usp0009rst'}

From this we can see the properties and geometry keys both themselves map to dict objects. Within these inner dictionaries are several keys which look relevant to our task of identifying the highest magnitude earthquake event and displaying its location on a map. Specifically the mag key in the properties dictionary seems likely to represent the magnitude of the event

In [16]:

while the coordinates key in the geometry dictionary seems to represent the location of the event.

In [17]:
[-2.81, 54.77, 14]

If go to the URL listed as the value for the url key in the properties dictionary,

In [18]:

we can confirm that this is indeed a correct interpretation of the data as the listed magnitude corresponds to the value for the mag key while the longitude (East-West axis) and latitude (North-South axis) coordinates (in degrees) of the event location correspond to the first two elements respectively in the list associated with the coordinates key (with the third coordinate corresponding to the depth of the event).

Find the largest quake(s)

Now that we have a handle on the structure of the data, we are ready to search through the data to identify the largest magnitude earthquake event(s). We are interested in finding the element (or elements) in a sequence which maximises some property - this operation is termed the $\arg\max$ in mathematics and computer science. While there is built-in max function in Python there is no corresponding argmax function, though several external libraries including the NumPy library which we encounter in a subsequent lesson do include an argmax function.

We will therefore loop over all of the event details in the features list and construct a list of the event or events for which the magnitude is currently the largest, creating a new list if the magnitude of the current event is larger than the previous largest or adding the event to the previous list if it has an equal magnitude. After iterating through all the events this list should contain the details of the event(s) with the largest magnitude. An example implementation of this approach is as follows.

In [19]:
largest_magnitude_events = [quakes_json['features'][0]]

for quake in quakes_json['features']:
    if quake['properties']['mag'] > largest_magnitude_events[0]['properties']['mag']:
        largest_magnitude_events = [quake]
    elif quake['properties']['mag'] == largest_magnitude_events[0]['properties']['mag']:
        largest_magnitude_events += [quake]

We can now check if there was a single event with the maximum magnitude or multiple

In [20]:

It turns out there are two events with the same maximal magnitude. As a sanity check we can print the magnitude of both events to check that they match

In [21]:
print([quake['properties']['mag'] for quake in largest_magnitude_events])
[4.8, 4.8]

Get a map at the point of the quakes

There are various different web services which can be used to get map imagery, here we will OpenStreetMap. Specifically we will get a pre-rendered map tile containing a location specified by latitude and longitude coordinates as a portable network graphic (PNG) image. This page on the OpenStreeMap wiki gives a Python implementation of a function deg2num to convert from a latitude-longitude pair in degrees plus a zoom level, to a pair of indices specifying a specific map tile.

In [22]:
def deg2num(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom):
    lat_rad = math.radians(lat_deg)
    n = 2.0 ** zoom
    xtile = int((lon_deg + 180.0) / 360.0 * n)
    ytile = int((1.0 - math.asinh(math.tan(lat_rad)) / math.pi) / 2.0 * n)
    return (xtile, ytile)

There are various tile servers for the OpenStreetMap data with differing rendering styles and URL templates. Here we use the 'standard' style tiles for which an appropiate URL template is http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png where {zoom} indicates the zoom level and {x} and {y} the two components of tile number returned by deg2num. We can use Python formatted string literals to populate the template with the appropriate values and use the requests.get function to request the image corresponding to the URL. Finally we can create an IPython.display.Image object which will display the raw data corresponding to the contents of the image request as an image in the Jupyter Lab front end. We wrap this all in to a function get_map_tile_at to allow us to use it to display images for each of the largest magnitude earthquake events identified earlier.

In [23]:
def get_map_tile_at(latitude, longitude, zoom=10, satellite=False): 
    x, y = deg2num(latitude, longitude, zoom)
    tile_url = f"http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"
    response = requests.get(tile_url)
    assert response.status_code == 200
    return IPython.core.display.Image(response.content)

As a test we can check the map displayed for the coordinates of the Prime meridian at the Royal Observatory Greenwich&params=51_28_40.1_N_0_0_5.3_W_type:landmark_globe:earth_region:GB_scale:1000)

In [24]:
get_map_tile_at(latitude=51.477806, longitude=-0.001472, zoom=14) 
AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [24], line 1
----> 1 get_map_tile_at(latitude=51.477806, longitude=-0.001472, zoom=14)

Cell In [23], line 5, in get_map_tile_at(latitude, longitude, zoom, satellite)
      3 tile_url = f"http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"
      4 response = requests.get(tile_url)
----> 5 assert response.status_code == 200
      6 return IPython.core.display.Image(response.content)


Display the maps

We can now finally show the maps for the locations of the maximum magnitude earthquake events. As additional check we also print the description under the title key in the properties dictionary for the event to check it tallies with the location shown in the displayed map.

In [25]:
for quake in largest_magnitude_events:
    longitude = quake['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
    latitude = quake['geometry']['coordinates'][1]
    display(get_map_tile_at(latitude, longitude, 12))
M 4.8 - 2 km ESE of Wombourn, United Kingdom
AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [25], line 5
      3 latitude = quake['geometry']['coordinates'][1]
      4 print(quake['properties']['title'])
----> 5 display(get_map_tile_at(latitude, longitude, 12))

Cell In [23], line 5, in get_map_tile_at(latitude, longitude, zoom, satellite)
      3 tile_url = f"http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"
      4 response = requests.get(tile_url)
----> 5 assert response.status_code == 200
      6 return IPython.core.display.Image(response.content)
