Data can be transferred to and from Legion from either the login nodes, the data transfer node or by jobs running on compute nodes.
You can use Legion’s login nodes to transfer modest amounts of data.
Please bear in mind that there is no limit on the number of users that can be logged in to the Login nodes. Their activity may cause your data transfer rates to drop (as yours may affect theirs). If you need to transfer large amounts of data or need more reliable transfer rates, we recommend that you do so within a batch job, as described in the following section.
If you are running scp from your local machine, use
as the hostname and you will transfer via the login nodes.
###Â Dedicated transfer node
Legion provides a dedicated transfer node with ten gigabit network connections to the UCL network and to Legion. To access this node, log in via scp, sftp or ssh to:
Please note that you cannot submit or view the status of your compute jobs on this node - it is only available for data transfer.
A good way to transfer data into Legion is through the use of a compressed (zip) file.
We will use scp to securely copy the file work.tgz across the network to Legion:
[ccaaxxx@login06 Scratch]$ scp .
work.tgz 100% 340 0.3KB/s 00:00
Note: remote machine (in this case Socrates) must be running SSH server.
If you are using Desktop@UCL you will need to map the T: drive to access the Unix filestore, files on the T: drive are visible in socrates.
Click on the Windows Start button and find go to Utilities > Mount Unix FileStore (T Drive).
After this you should be presented with a window stating the T drive has been successfully mapped.
So, from your desktop:
[you@desktop ~]$ scp work.tgz
From Legion to Socrates:
[ccaaxxx@login06 Scratch]$ scp work.tgz
work.tgz 100% 340 0.3KB/s 00:00
From Legion to your desktop:
[you@desktop ~]$ scp
We can use the tar function to compress and extract compressed files
[ccaaxxx@login06 Scratch]$ tar -zcvf work.tgz work
[ccaaxxx@login06 Scratch]$ ls
work.tgz work
tar -zcvf - archives and compresses directory trees and files: c - create archive, z - compress, v - verbose, f - in the following file
[ccaaxxx@login06 Scratch]$ ls
[ccaaxxx@login06 Scratch]$ tar -zxvf work.tgz
[ccaaxxx@login06 Scratch]$ ls
work.tgz work
tar -zxvf - extracts and uncompresses directory trees and files: x - extract archive, z - uncompress, v - verbose, f - from the following file