
Please open notebook rsepython-s4r3.ipynb

Let’s import the context for this chapter.

from context import *

Why comment?

Bad Comments

“I write good code, you can tell by the number of comments.”

This is wrong. In the beginning you may comment a lot to aide your own understanding, but as you become more experienced they should become more purposeful.

There are a number of ways in which comments can be unhelpful or help mask poorly designed code.

Comments which are obvious

counter=counter+1 # Increment the counter
for element in array: # Loop over elements

Where the code is obvious, comments are unnecessary.

Comments which could be replaced by better style

The following piece of code could be a part of a game to move a turtle in a certain direction, with a particular angular velocity and step size.

for i in range(len(agt)): #for each agent
  agt[i].theta+=ws[i]     # Increment the angle of each agent
                          #by its angular velocity
  agt[i].x+=r*sin(agt[i].theta) #Move the agent by the step-size
  agt[i].y+=r*cos(agt[i].theta) #r in the direction indicated

We have used comments to make the code readable.

Why not make the code readable instead?

for agent in agents:

class Agent(object):
   def turn(self):
   def move(self):

This is probably better. We are using the name of the functions (i.e., turn, move) instead of comments. Therefore, we’ve got self-documenting code.

Comments vs expressive code

The proper use of comments is to compensate for our failure to express yourself in code. Note that I used the word failure. I meant it. Comments are always failures.

– Robert Martin, Clean Code(UCL Library).

I wouldn’t disagree, but still, writing “self-documenting” code is very hard, so do comment if you’re unsure!

Comments which belong in an issue tracker

x.clear() # Code crashes here sometimes
class Agent(object):
    # TODO: Implement pretty-printer method

BUT comments that reference issues in the tracker can be good.


if x.safe_to_clear(): # Guard added as temporary workaround for #32

is OK. Platforms like GitHub will create a link to it when browsing the code.

Comments which only make sense to the author today

agent.turn() # Turtle Power!
agents[:]=[]# Shredder!

These add very little value, would be better removed or replaced by more meaningful comments.

Comments which are unpublishable

# Stupid supervisor made me write this code
# So I did it while very very drunk.

These are unprofessional and should not feature in your code base.

Good commenting: pedagogical comments

Code that is good style, but you’re not familiar with, or that colleagues might not be familiar with

# This is how you define a decorator in python
# See
def double(decorated_function):
   # Here, the result function forms a closure over
   # the decorated function
   def result_function(input):
       return decorated_function(decorated_function(input))
   # The returned result is a function
   return result_function

def try_me_twice():

Good commenting: reasons and definitions

Comments which explain coding definitions or reasons for programming choices.

For example:

def __init__(self):
    self.angle=0 # clockwise from +ve y-axis
    nonzero_indices = [] # Use sparse model as memory constrained

Next: Reading - Refactoring