
Please open notebook rsepython-s3r4.ipynb

Once we’ve made a working program, we’d like to be able to share it with others.

A good cross-platform build tool is the most important thing: you can always have collaborators build from source.

Distribution tools

Distribution tools allow one to obtain a working copy of someone else’s package.

Until recently windows didn’t have anything like brew install or apt-get.

You had to build an ‘installer’, but now there is:

Laying out a project

When planning to package a project for distribution, defining a suitable project layout is essential.

tree --charset ascii greetings -I "doc|build|Greetings.egg-info|dist|*.pyc"






|– greetings

| |–

| |– pycache

| |–

| |–

| `– test

| |–

| |– fixtures

| | `– samples.yaml

| `–

|– index.rst

|– scripts

| `– greet


5 directories, 13 files

We can start by making our directory structure.

You can create many nested directories at once using the -p switch on mkdir.

mkdir -p greetings/greetings/test/fixtures
mkdir -p greetings/scripts

Using setuptools

To make python code into a package, we have to write a file:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages


We can now install this code with

pip install

And the package will then be available to use everywhere on the system.

from greetings.greeter import greet

‘Hey, UCL RITS.’

Convert the script to a module

Of course, there’s more to do when taking code from a quick script and turning it into a proper module:

We need to add docstrings to our functions, so people can know how to use them.

%%writefile greetings/greetings/

def greet(personal, family, title="", polite=False):

    """ Generate a greeting string for a person.

    personal: str
        A given name, such as Will or Jean-Luc
    family: str
        A family name, such as Riker or Picard
    title: str
        An optional title, such as Captain or Reverend
    polite: bool
        True for a formal greeting, False for informal.

        An appropriate greeting

    greeting= "How do you do, " if polite else "Hey, "
    if title:
        greeting+=title+" "

    greeting+= personal + " " + family +"."
    return greeting

Overwriting greetings/greetings/

import greetings

Help on function greet in module greetings.greeter:

greet(personal, family, title=’’, polite=False)

Generate a greeting string for a person.



personal: str

A given name, such as Will or Jean-Luc

family: str

A family name, such as Riker or Picard

title: str

An optional title, such as Captain or Reverend

polite: bool

True for a formal greeting, False for informal.




An appropriate greeting

The documentation string explains how to use the function; don’t worry about this for now, we’ll revisit this later.

Write an executable script

%%writefile greetings/greetings/
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from .greeter import greet # Note python 3 relative import

def process():
   parser = ArgumentParser(description = "Generate appropriate greetings")

   parser.add_argument('--title', '-t')
   parser.add_argument('--polite', '-p', action="store_true")

   arguments= parser.parse_args()

               arguments.title, arguments.polite))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Overwriting greetings/greetings/

Specify dependencies

We use the file to specify the packages we depend on:

    name = "Greetings",
    version = "0.1.0",
    packages = find_packages(exclude=['*test']),
    install_requires = ['argparse']

Specify entry point

This allows us to create a command to execute part of our library. In this case when we execute greet on the terminal, we will be calling the process function under greetings/

%%writefile greetings/

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

    name = "Greetings",
    version = "0.1.0",
    packages = find_packages(exclude=['*test']),
    install_requires = ['argparse'],
        'console_scripts': [
            'greet = greetings.command:process'

Overwriting greetings/

And the scripts are now available as command line commands:

greet --help

usage: greet [-h] [–title TITLE] [–polite] personal family

Generate appropriate greetings

positional arguments:



optional arguments:

-h, –help show this help message and exit

–title TITLE, -t TITLE

–polite, -p

greet Terry Gilliam
greet --polite Terry Gilliam
greet Terry Gilliam --title Cartoonist

Hey, Terry Gilliam.

How do you do, Terry Gilliam.

Hey, Cartoonist Terry Gilliam.

Installing from GitHub

We could now submit “greeter” to PyPI for approval, so everyone could pip install it.

However, when using git we don’t even need to do that, we can install directly from any git URL:

pip install git+git://
greet Lancelot the-Brave --title Sir

Hey, SirLancelot the-Brave.

Write a readme file

For example:

%%writefile greetings/


This is a very simple example package used as part of the UCL Research Software Engineering with Python course: [](


Invoke the tool with `greet <FirstName> <Secondname>`

Overwriting greetings/

Write a license file

For example:

%%writefile greetings/

(C) University College London 2014

This "greetings" example package is granted into the public domain.

Overwriting greetings/

Write a citation file


%%writefile greetings/

If you wish to refer to this course, please cite the URL

Portions of the material are taken from Software Carpentry

Overwriting greetings/

You may well want to formalise this using the codemeta.json standard or the citation file format - these doesn’t have wide adoption yet, but we recommend them.

Define packages and executables

touch greetings/greetings/test/
touch greetings/greetings/

Write some unit tests

Separating the script from the logical module made this possible:

%%writefile greetings/greetings/test/
import yaml
import os
from ..greeter import greet

def test_greeter():
    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
            'fixtures','samples.yaml')) as fixtures_file:
        for fixture in fixtures:
            assert greet(**fixture) == answer

Overwriting greetings/greetings/test/

Add a fixtures file:

%%writefile greetings/greetings/test/fixtures/samples.yaml
- personal: UCL
  family: RITS
  answer: "Hey, UCL RITS."
- personal: UCL
  family: RITS
  polite: True
  answer: "How do you do, UCL RITS."
- personal: UCL
  family: RITS
  title: Dr
  answer: "Hey, Dr UCL RITS."

Overwriting greetings/greetings/test/fixtures/samples.yaml


============================= test session starts ==============================

platform darwin – Python 3.5.2, pytest-3.0.5, py-1.4.32, pluggy-0.4.0

rootdir: /Users/ucl-rits/devel/rsdt/rsd-engineeringcourse/ch04packaging, inifile:

collected 1 items

greetings/greetings/test/ .

=========================== 1 passed in 0.11 seconds ===========================

However, this hasn’t told us that also the third test is wrong! A better approach is to parameterize the test as follows:

%%writefile greetings/greetings/test/
import yaml
import os
import pytest
from ..greeter import greet

def read_fixture():
    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                           'samples.yaml')) as fixtures_file:
        fixtures = yaml.load(fixtures_file)
    return fixtures

@pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture", read_fixture())
def test_greeter(fixture):
    answer = fixture.pop('answer')
    assert greet(**fixture) == answer

Overwriting greetings/greetings/test/

Now when we run pytest, we get a failure per element in our fixture and we know all that fails.


============================= test session starts ==============================

platform linux – Python 3.6.3, pytest-3.10.1, py-1.7.0, pluggy-0.8.0

rootdir: /home/dvd/Documents/Work/RIST/Teaching/rsd-engineeringcourse/ch04packaging, inifile:

collected 3 items

greetings/greetings/test/ .FF [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================

__________ test_greeter[fixture1] __________

fixture = {‘family’: ‘Chapman’, ‘personal’: ‘Graham’, ‘polite’: True}

@pytest.mark.parametrize(“fixture”, read_fixture())

def test_greeter(fixture):

answer = fixture.pop(‘answer’)

> assert greet(**fixture) == answer

E AssertionError: assert ‘How do you d…aham Chapman.’ == ‘How do you do…aahm Chapman.’

E - How do you do, Graham Chapman.

E ? -

E + How do you do, Graahm Chapman.

E ? +

greetings/greetings/test/ AssertionError

__________ test_greeter[fixture2] __________

fixture = {‘family’: ‘Palin’, ‘personal’: ‘Michael’, ‘title’: ‘CBE’}

@pytest.mark.parametrize(“fixture”, read_fixture())

def test_greeter(fixture):

answer = fixture.pop(‘answer’)

> assert greet(**fixture) == answer

E AssertionError: assert ‘Hey, CBE Michael Palin.’ == ‘Hey, CBE Mike Palin.’

E - Hey, CBE Michael Palin.

E ? ^^^ -

E + Hey, CBE Mike Palin.

E ? ^

greetings/greetings/test/ AssertionError

====================== 2 failed, 1 passed in 0.13 seconds ======================

Developer Install

If you modify your source files, you would now find it appeared as if the program doesn’t change.

That’s because pip install copies the file.

If you want to install a package, but keep working on it, you can do:

pip install --editable

Distributing compiled code

If you’re working in C++ or Fortran, there is no language specific repository. You’ll need to write platform installers for as many platforms as you want to support.



Homebrew: A ruby DSL, you host off your own webpage.

See an installer for the cppcourse example:

If you’re on OSX, do:

brew tap jamespjh/homebrew-reactor
brew install reactor

Next: Reading - Documentation