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Libraries are awesome

The strength of a language lies as much in the set of libraries available, as it does in the language itself.

A great set of libraries allows for a very powerful programming style:

Not only is this efficient with your programming time, it’s also more efficient with computer time.

The chances are any algorithm you might want to use has already been programmed better by someone else.

Drawbacks of libraries

Contribute, don’t duplicate

How to choose a library

Sensible Version Numbering

The best approach to version numbers clearly distinguishes kinds of change:

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, e.g. 2.11.14 increment the:

This is called Semantic Versioning.

The Python Standard Library

Python comes with a powerful standard library.

Learning python is as much about learning this library as learning the language itself.

You’ve already seen a few packages in this library: math, pdb, datetime.

The Python Package Index

Python’s real power, however, comes with the Python Package Index: PyPI.

This is a huge array of libraries, with all kinds of capabilities, all easily installable from the command line or through your Python distribution.

Next: Reading - Writing Libraries