Git Theory

The revision Graph

Revisions form a GRAPH

import os
top_dir = os.getcwd()
git_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, 'learning_git')
working_dir=os.path.join(git_dir, 'git_example')
git log --graph --oneline

* 5f73fff Merge branch ‘master’ of


| * 3c4a02f Add another Beacon

* | a5f66ac Add Glyder


* 54a5484 Merge branch ‘master’ of


| * b3d5585 Add a beacon

* | b7eba49 Translating from the Welsh


* 4bc25e9 Merge branch ‘master’ of


| * aed6a4d Add Scotland

* | d7d7243 Add wales


* 79b1285 Add Helvellyn

* cdd35b8 Include lakes in the scope

* 76322e5 Add lakeland

* e533bb0 Revert “Add a lie about a mountain”

* 972c8ed Change title

* 04ada3b Add a lie about a mountain

* 03915a3 First commit of discourse on UK topography

Git concepts

The levels of Git

There are four Separate levels a change can reach in git:

Understanding all the things git reset can do requires a good grasp of git theory.

Next: Reading - Branches