GPU Nodes§
Node Types§
You can view the hardware specifications for GPU node types in Myriad.
There are several types of GPU nodes available in Myriad.
Available modules§
You can see all the available CUDA modules by typing
module load beta-modules
module avail cuda
The ones that become visible once you load beta-modules
have been built with newer
Sample CUDA code§
There are samples in some CUDA install locations, e.g.
which are further documented by NVIDIA here. In general, you should look at their CUDA docs:
Sample jobscripts§
You can see sample jobscripts here.
Use this in your script to request up to 2 GPUs.
#$ -l gpu=2
Load GCC and the relevant CUDA module.
module unload compilers mpi
module load compilers/gnu/4.9.2
module load cuda/7.5.18/gnu-4.9.2
Running the sample code§
To get started, here's how you would compile one of the CUDA samples and run it in an interactive session on a GPU node.
You can compile CUDA code on the login nodes like this (which do not have GPUs) if
they do not require all the CUDA libraries to be present at compile time. If they do, you'll
get an error saying it cannot link the CUDA libraries, and ERROR: CUDA could not be found on your system
and you will need tro do your compiling on the GPU node as well.
1. Load the cuda module
module unload compilers mpi
module load compilers/gnu/4.9.2
module load cuda/7.5.18/gnu-4.9.2
2. Copy the samples directory to somewhere in your home (or to Scratch if you're building on the GPU node or are going to want a job to write anything in the same directory).
cp -r /shared/ucl/apps/cuda/7.5.18/gnu-4.9.2/NVIDIA_CUDA-7.5_Samples/ ~/cuda
3. Choose an example: eigenvalues in this case, and build using the provided makefile - if you have a look at it you can see it is using nvcc and g++.
cd NVIDIA_CUDA-7.5_Samples/6_Advanced/eigenvalues/
4. Request an interactive job with a GPU and wait to be given access to the node. You will see your prompt change to indicate that you are on a different node than the login node once your qrsh request has been scheduled, and you can then continue. Load the cuda module on the node and run the program.
qrsh -l mem=1G,h_rt=0:30:0,gpu=1 -now no
# wait for interactive job to start
module unload compilers mpi
module load compilers/gnu/4.9.2
module load cuda/7.5.18
cd ~/cuda/NVIDIA_CUDA-7.5_Samples/6_Advanced/eigenvalues/
5. Your output should look something like this:
Starting eigenvalues
GPU Device 0: "Tesla M2070" with compute capability 2.0
Matrix size: 2048 x 2048
Precision: 0.000010
Iterations to be timed: 100
Result filename: 'eigenvalues.dat'
Gerschgorin interval: -2.894310 / 2.923303
Average time step 1: 26.739325 ms
Average time step 2, one intervals: 9.031162 ms
Average time step 2, mult intervals: 0.004330 ms
Average time TOTAL: 35.806992 ms
Test Succeeded!
Building your own code§
As above, if the code you are trying to compile needs to link against libcuda, it must also be built on a GPU node because only the GPU nodes have the correct libraries.
The NVIDIA examples don't require this, but things like Tensorflow do.
Tensorflow is installed: type module avail tensorflow
to see the
available versions.
Modules to load for the non-MKL GPU version:
module unload compilers mpi
module load compilers/gnu/4.9.2
module load python3/3.7
module load cuda/10.0.130/gnu-4.9.2
module load cudnn/
module load tensorflow/2.0.0/gpu-py37
Modules to load the most recent version we have installed with GPU support (2.11.0):
module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs
module load beta-modules
module load gcc-libs/10.2.0
module load python/3.9.6-gnu-10.2.0
module load cuda/11.2.0/gnu-10.2.0
module load cudnn/
module load tensorflow/2.11.0/gpu
PyTorch is installed: type module avail pytorch
to see the versions
Modules to load the most recent release we have installed (May 2022) are:
module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs
module load beta-modules
module load gcc-libs/10.2.0
module load python3/3.9-gnu-10.2.0
module load cuda/11.3.1/gnu-10.2.0
module load cudnn/
module load pytorch/1.11.0/gpu
If you want the CPU only version then use:
module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs
module load beta-modules
module load gcc-libs/10.2.0
module load python3/3.9-gnu-10.2.0
module load pytorch/1.11.0/cpu
Using MPI and GPUs§
It is possible to run MPI programs that use GPUs but only within a single node, so you can request up to 4 GPUs and 36 cores on Myriad.