Shell Scripting

In this section will look at how to create shell scripts, in order to run them we will make them executable - just like commands.

Shell scripts are files created using a text editor such as Nano, the files are saved with a .sh extension to indicate that they are shell scripts.

The steps below step through how to create a simple shell script.

Step 1: The Interpreter Directive

Open a new file in Nano, enter the commands below and save as

# This is a very simple hello world script.
echo "Hello, world!"

Step 2: Making it executable

We can use chmod to change permissions on the script and make it executable:

[user@host ~]$ chmod u+x
[user@host ~]$ ls -l
-rwxr--r-- 1 user ccaas0 30 Mar 31 17:10

Step 3: Location

To run the script:

[user@host ~]$ ./
hello world!

What’s with the “./” ?

Remember the PATH! - we are instructing bash to run the script in the current location.

Changing the PATH

If you want to be able to make your script work like a command, you need the directory it is in to be in your PATH

[user@host ~]$ mkdir ~/scripts
[user@host ~]$ PATH=$PATH:$HOME/scripts
[user@host ~]$ export PATH

Command line arguments

You can control your script’s behaviour with arguments you pass to it when you run it.

An example might be:

[user@host ~]$ ./ var1 var2

Within the script: $1 contains “var1” $2 contains “var2”

The script looks like this:


echo The first argument is $1
echo The second argument is $2
echo And together they make ${1}${2}

And here it is in use:

[user@host ~]$ ./var-script green house
The first argument is green
The second argument is house
And together they make greenhouse

Next activity: Exercises - File permissions.