Software-Carpentry@UCL: Python Setup

You need to download some files to follow this lesson:

  1. Create a repository on github with a name like LearningPython or similar.
  2. Clone such repository to your desktop using git clone as you learnt yesterday.
  3. Download and move the file to this folder.
  4. Also download and move it to the same folder.
  5. If the files aren’t unzipped yet, double-click to unzip them. You should end up with two new folders called data and code.
  6. To get started, go into the data folder from the Unix shell with:
$ cd
$ cd Desktop/LearningPython/data

If you will be using the Jupyter (IPython) notebook for the lesson, you should have already installed Anaconda which includes the notebook.

To start the notebook, open a terminal or git bash and type the command:

$ jupyter notebook

To start the Python interpreter without the notebook, open a terminal or git bash and type the command:

$ python